Mom on COVID Quarantine

It dawns on me how much I miss my girls when you cannot touch them. Although they are in the same apartment, not even 20 feet away, I cannot touch them. I cannot hug them or kiss them. I can see them. But that is different than an actual touch. It reminds me of the Pandemic and how many people out there are deprived of just that. A intimate connection. A touch. A feel of love that has been neglected to us by COVID and "Social Distancing". I am sure everyone is over it by now. But the pandemic reigns on. Now, I am in my 4th day of quarantine having tested positive. And it doesnt really matter how careful one person thinks they are, who you stay away from or how many time you wash your hands or sanitize. This virus is around and well. Having to social distance has many in a rut. having to fight the temptations within to just go out and do what we want, which I am sure people still do anyway. But now, having caught t...