Mom on COVID Quarantine

       It dawns on me how much I miss my girls when you cannot touch them. Although they are in the same apartment, not even 20 feet away, I cannot touch them. I cannot hug them or kiss them. I can see them. But that is different than an actual touch. It reminds me of the Pandemic and how many people out there are deprived of just that. A intimate connection. A touch. A feel of love that has been neglected to us by COVID and "Social Distancing". I am sure everyone is over it by now. But the pandemic reigns on. Now, I am in my 4th day of quarantine having tested positive. And it doesnt really matter how careful one person thinks they are, who you stay away from or how many time you wash your hands or sanitize. This virus is around and well.

       Having to social distance has many in a rut. having to fight the temptations within to just go out and do what we want, which I am sure people still do anyway. But now, having caught this virus, it makes me look at the world differently. It makes me look at America differently. It makes me think differently about the precautions of living in such a state. You know, I could say "fuck it" and be wreckless. Not care to wear a mask or wash hands and sanitize. This is really some serious shit. What really gets under my skin is how, personally, I feel it is the governments fault it has come to this. Population control comes to mind as this pandemic gets worse. Chemical warfare comes to mind when they bring up vaccines. I mean really, do we all think this government has the "peoples" best interest at heart? No. I do not. And whatever agenda they are on they are definitely not filling us in properly. 

       But why would they? Why share secrets to their plans that could possibly raise many eye brows and questions "they" do not want to answer? If they did answer it would most likely be a lie. Again. And again. And again. What a government we live in yeah. And to think, many people get charged off the mass media psychological affects of whats being fed to us/them on the daily. When I say "them" it is only because I do not submit myself to the binges of mass media or cable television. It only helps feed into a mass propaganda of fear that tingles whoever behind all of this toes. And yet, the sad part about it all is that many have had to experience loved ones pass away all because of it. 

       When will this all end? When will we be "free" to do the daily things we have done in our lives that keep us healthy and active? Such as a simple hug or touch of intimacy from loved ones? Is this ever going to end? Or is this just a transition into a future of America we do not want? Not like we aren't being controlled by the different "systems" in the first place. But I can see where this is going. And I pray it does not come to fruition. I Pray for a much healthier America. I Pray for everyone. Everyone that has to go through what I, now am going through. Quarantined in my own home. Awaiting the day I can give my girls a hug and say "I Got Through It". Knowing, that many did not. 

In the midst of the unknown I ask everyone keep their Prayers active, Vibrations high and Positivity at an all time high as well. Lord knows, we all need it. - Lady 


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