Anxiety Much???

Anxieties. Everyone has them to one extent or another right? Yeah? What people that are around me dont know is that I Have Anxiety Too. I Also Have To Cope On The Daily. Not so much about Life anymore but now about the people that are around me. I am to the point in my journey in California that I Have Found My Hauoli Medium. And it is here. In Signal Hill/ Long Beach. I have come to learn the areas more but still need the directional assistance. When I lived in Chicago, the water was always to the East. And now for the last 6 years I STILL try to figure out what direction I am in considering the water is now to the West. Many might think that hearing that is funny. I Probably Would Too. SO learning my way around these last two years has been interesting. But a Learning Journey. Still, I Literally will do Recon on EVERY Location including Surroundings so I can Mentally Prepare myself of what Im about to "get in to" sorta speak. Its The Recon in Me. It starts with the Rou...