Anxiety Much???

Anxieties. Everyone has them to one extent or another right? Yeah? What people that are around me dont know is that I Have Anxiety Too. I Also Have To Cope On The Daily. Not so much about Life anymore but now about the people that are around me. I am to the point in my journey in California that I Have Found My Hauoli Medium. And it is here. In Signal Hill/ Long Beach.

I have come to learn the areas more but still need the directional assistance. When I lived in Chicago, the water was always to the East. And now for the last 6 years I STILL try to figure out what direction I am in considering the water is now to the West. Many might think that hearing that is funny. I Probably Would Too. SO learning my way around these last two years has been interesting. But a Learning Journey. Still, I Literally will do Recon on EVERY Location including Surroundings so I can Mentally Prepare myself of what Im about to "get in to" sorta speak. Its The Recon in Me.

It starts with the Route To Get There, The Layout of The Area I Am Heading To Where I Will Park. And thats just the beginning. Anxiety Starts!
Parking in a spot, turning car off and... Hesitation. Before I go in an Converse with My Client/Hoaloha. KNOWING what I am there for. It is STILL a hesitation thing.
Anxiety Continues... Until I have fully done a visual recon of the inside of a location I, in my mind, will not feel safe.

This happens to have happen to me many times and goes by fast. Many Many Times. But the more you put yourself out there to be Seen or Heard by someone new then I Know for A Fact this is something that will pass. As I Learn about more people its becoming very inspirational to me. So instead of allowing my anxieties about Locations & People get in the way, I Learn To Cope and Further My Studies So I Can Focus On Growth & Being Social Again.

As A Proud Veteran I know there are many of us out there trying to get acquainted with society again. After the Marine Corps, I got back into society and buried my issues with Education & Liquor.  I let the Liquor go two years ago this March 2018 and I Kept the thirst for Education. It was a Healthier Option. And you have options too. If you know you are in need of Veteran Services just pick up the phone and ask.If you want to transition into society being social is the best way.

The best way to obtain information and start your path to the Coping World of Veterans. because trauma triggers have no end. Learn to Cope. - Lady

For My Lady Vets with MST & To Survivors of Trauma. 



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