Mindful, Pregnant & a Veteran. What A Combo!

Aloha nui all...

For someone like me being Hauoli (happy) is a good thing. It took myself a while to get here, but after a lot of Prayer & Faith, I'm Here! Mindfully. Wahines like myself find the satisfaction in being in our Relationships. Many others, well... I cant say EVERYONE is hauoli but Many Do Think They Are. My Life has always been my education and along the way I have Learned that Many ways Society functions  & it is not the Normal Humanitarian way... "Why?" you say? Well here is is.

Its because Humans have been very desensitized for many decades, even centuries. What Humans are dehumanized you wonder... When I speak, I speak in Military Form & the desensitization of its teachings. I, myself, am a Veteran. A Proud Marine Veteran. Now. That is... After so long of not being able to speak out on issues during active duty or post service unless its to a VA psychologist, I'm feeling kind of antsy to say, Mahalo Keakua! I'm Speaking Out! #Military #MeToo #MST

I touch on this Mindfully because I Am Aware of The Effects of being Trained & How Being A Veteran in Society has been hard to Navigate. Wahines that are Naturally Beautiful, which we all are, and go into the Military can be a Blessing to many, and now it is, to me. But back then... It wasn't. I asked myself time and time again "what the fuck is the big deal about being pretty all your life if it leads to some type of sexual trauma"?? I mean really? And being in Uniform just makes it worse.

It has taken me a while to find the "Lady" in me thru a series of therapies that I found from the effects of being this so-called "too pretty" so I down played myself.... For Years. This is coming from a Wahine that has searched high and low to get the services I needed; to fight for what I deserve to be right the way I seen it for myself... To help me feel like a Wahine again.

Having being assaulted while my time in service, it made me hyper-vigilant. This turned into not being able to sleep well... Like ever. And I was up many nights replaying the shit I had gone thru with the military and my childhood. I still do. Thru my twenties I experienced more of the sex bias with Wahines in the Military. Adverse responses from Men who would all of a sudden challenge me upon hearing "I'm A Marine".

You see the Mentality of a Marine Man is a Ego Driven System. Something of which us wahines that make it thru USMC Boot Camp in turn emulate too. But it doesnt mean I have to ACT like a Man. After my time in the Marines I had taken on a Alert System to everything I do. Something I learned in boot camp. Especially when it came to Men.

And trust, hearing "Im Too Pretty To Be A Marine" pisses me off. Honestly. Because I DO now know I am Pretty in my own skin. I Own It. But the "... To Be A Marine" part. C'mon dude... Really?

How degrading of a comment do you think that is to someone that grew up around more Masculine than Feminine??? I know I'm a girl, but I was always referred to as "Tom-Boy" or just flat out being called a boy from my childhood mother. And to Top It Off, this Ohana was Military affiliated too. And since that was what was instilled in me at a young age, I felt I had to be masculine too. In my mind. Not My Body.

Many aspects of Male dominance come into play, thru my childhood, to the military, to society... And it has gotten worse over the years. And yes, I did do my fare share of hiding who I am to Prove to Many whatever I was trying to Prove "I'm Good Enough". Now I realize, they just were not good enough for me. They didnt help me grow. I Did. And now I Couldn't Feel More Blessed To Be With A Kane That Was Meant For Me. 

Being pregnant with our second child made me Mindfully Aware of certain feelings that can arise when it comes to my insecurities. But when they do arise, He is there. To Comfort Me. To Defend My Honour. To Be A Good Kane to Myself AND His Children. As we continue our path to Building our Ohana, I'm finding more Confidence in my Womanhood because He Makes Me Feel Good For Being Me. So now, there is no reason to hide who I am.

For a while, I kept my image under wraps and also my time in service the same. Its because of my therapies these last four years and the Support of MANY Great Individuals, one Being My Amazing Fiance, that I can say, I Am A Beautiful Proud Marine who STILL Has A Dream. Many Dreams. And one is to be able to just live without the disrespect towards Wahines. There is Nothing Wrong With That.

This is a messed up System I Im tired of allowing it to keep taking My Voice or My Lively-hood. I have kept my cool about many things I experienced and "let it slide" as many would say. But I'm Done. I Been Done. I Feel In My Heart It Was Only A Matter Of Time Before I Truly Spoke Out. And to me, this is a Great Start.

A Great Start To Building A Life Worth Living With The Kane Worth Being With In A Time Where Empowered Wahines Veterans Reach Out To Let Othe Whine Veterans Know... 'You Are Worth Everything'. Always Have. Always Will.

Speak Out. Let Go. Be Hauoli. Be You.

- Lady

Its Lady Veterans That Truly Wear The Crown

'Lady' Lena
"Life Is Education. Live, Learn, Evolve.
Be You."

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Pearl Vision by Lady
"Simplicity & Elegance...
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