Lady Like Me

... Im in thought... The Universe is Moving... And I'm am more Hauoli today. Progress has been amazing withing these last few weeks. But it was also Mentally Hard. Gathering the skills to cope thru high anxiety times is imperative. Having the Support of Ohana & Hoalohas. Learning that there are those out there who want to connect or reconnect after my Labour. Its past the eight weeks and really, I am on chill mode. I have to be. I have probably been the Most Mindful these past few weeks than I ever have in my Life. Only because things are moving. They are Evolving how they need to and Creative Growth is on the Horizon. Whether it is, dance or even Hosting... The Universe Is Moving... It makes me Hauoli (Happy in Hawaiian). It is all I have ever wanted. Now, we move Forward together. I Pray this 2018 We Thrive as Small Businesses. It is because I have this Love of Giving that makes me Different from the rest of us Marketers. And in our case, We Market O...