Veterans & In-Law Living

Aloha All,

Today makes the last day I allow anyone to disrespect me. Not only disrespect me but my daughter then my fiance. It is understandable that my fiance, son of this sporadic irate when drunk "mother", goes off on him and steps to him and he has the respect for her not to jump at her ways because he knows her. But when her anger transfers to belittling my mothering skills, yelling at my daughter out of emotion, stepping at her son then calling me a bitch. Like... Huh!? And THEN she had the nerve to step at me. Now, in my mind, I know for a fact that she is not that crazy to ACTUALLY start a fight over petty shit.  How petty is petty though? I mean, I have heard about in-law living but this is some next level shit.

Just had to vent a little.



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