Free Your Mind

Who. Am. I. 

Finding truth in Religion is about as ugly as finding the truth in American Politics. It. Just. Will. Not. Happen. Or will it. You see, I have lived a life full of uncertainty when it came to Religion. I never knew why. Until Today. A day and age where the stipulations of the title "wife" can bring so much anger and resentment. All the things I have heard about this term "religion" and how it is tacked on to the title of a "wife" and then it is connected to all the rules and regulations of what a "marriage" is supposed to be... At the end of the day I ask everyone: "Who Really Are YOU?"

I remember being the one that loved to see people be free in their own way. Weather it was dance or sing or cooking. Gatherings I always loved. Having many people around showing loves of Aloha. Not really experiencing the "Marriage" scene... Until I was moved to the mainland. I had see many weddings living in Illinois. Some were sad, some were bitter, some ended in violence, some even typically divorced and then there are those who stay bitter at one another because they are "Married" and they have "no way out". Hearing different experiences of Marriages never strayed me from wanting this "Marriage" thing. I just was never sure if I wanted this "Marriage" thing like THAT. Like... I dreamed of having weddings when I was younger, but I now understand it was an instilled idealism. Gotta love the American Ways.

Now being "Engaged", having two children with my Kane, transitioning companies, jobs, places to live. It has been a very endearing first five years... And now the pressures... Dun Dun Duuuuun. That is why I ask. Who Am I. Makes me studder and say "I. Am. Who... Who again? Again? Come Again? Huh..." - Lady lol. Some of my own humor behind the Marriage debacle in America. Oh how this land makes everything more confusing than what it really should be. Hau'oli. It means 'Happy' in Hawaiian. Ultimately, thru any and everything that goes on in this Lifetime, we all just want to be Hau'oli.

Life is too short to live it under so many guidelines. Especially when it comes to Love. When it comes to Love I have always Dreamed of it being a Free Felt thing. But what I experienced was something other than... Experienced. Past tense. SO! When do we let all the stigmas and symbolism's and guidelines and rules go with Love? Why cant we just Be? Free yourself from whatever is holding you back from Love. 

"To Live Happy In Union Is To Feel Free Within." - Lady Lena 


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