Life Story #1

Aloha nui Lovie Faces!

Let’s talk story,
Since October my ohana and I have been dwelling with ohana members. Much appreciated gestures yes. But I find myself really frustrated many times. I know it is because we do not have a place of our own again yet & I think to myself “to have a place we can call home would be nice”...

I say to myself “one day my girls will both have a room of their own, one day I will be able to walk around butt naked in my own comfort, one day we will find a place to call home. That’s a Promise”
So for this of you that are having hard financial times, I know all about it.

Ask yourself: do you have your own place? does your kids have their own room & bed? Maybe even some food in the ice box? Do you have a steady job? And these are the basics of building a Ohana. Whether you have or not, take time to send Prayers & Blessings.

You never know what anyone is going thru.

SN: Having less has truly opened my eyes on many levels. - Lady

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