Breaking My Own Chains

Aloha Nui Loves,

       I made it a point to start Blogging again. I find my mind races faster tahn I can write these days so having a good outlet a such I feel is better than holding anything inside. Anyone who knows me knows when I am touched by something, I express it. And now... Here it goes.

       It gets a bit frustrating the things that I run into on the daily. The people that come and go. And when they do come they come with a motive. The people that come with motive you can already tell. They speak to you as if they have some power over you. As if you are ignorant to life because of going thru so much. I am at the end of my road with these types of people. Either you mean well, or continue on. I find myself blocking more and more people just because, also, their vibe is off. I understand we all have some sort of issues and cope in different ways. But it seem as if I am in a world where I feel as I get mentally healthier, the ones who aren't come around to try and knock me down in one way or another. 

        I recently had to pull the "Mentor" card from someone I knew. I also had to block a Niece for her smart ass comments on a, I would consider, humble happy post of mine. I also had to block a nephew who is catching wave of negative ways. A sister who turned on me AND a long time friend who seems to only come back when times are low. All of this happened just this year alone. Lets go ahead and mention going on a year of separation from the ex. Which was the hardest decision I have ever had to make. Be Happy Without or Miserable With. I chose Happiness. For myself and for my girls to see. 

       It dawns on me on the daily that being here in Vegas will be a tough road. But doable. I do not trust the opinions of many for they seem dishonest when expressing. I do not trust that many people here mean well. I do not trust my ex will help make me living here a great experience for my girls. I do not trust the dating life. I do not trust mens motives. Its as if everyone is hurting from something and yet does not know how to shake it. The prolonged drama and messes people keep their selves in speaks volumes. 

       I made it a point in my life that I will build a life full of Trustworthy individuals. I do Trust God enough to know that whatever I let go of, He will replace with better. So even though I have trust issues with other people, I still have Trust in what has helped me the most. My Spirituality. My Ambition for Believing there is something better in store for me. Through all the abuse in my past, I lived what I needed to also voluntarily entered 3 years of Therapies to get where I am Mentally, Emotionally. An assertive way of life. A humble way of life. A Peaceful way of Life. A Mindful way of Life. 

       No matter what comes my way, I Rise knowing my Awareness of others. To foresee the things I feel in my gut that makes me question any and everyone in a heart beat. The Positive In this Post... I Still Thrive From It All. I have grown a lot within the last year and I Am Proud of it. And if any of you can relate, You Should Be Proud Too.

Block negativity. Protect Yours. Stay Ambitious for Life. 

Your Story Is Not Over Yet.



 To Be Continued... 

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