In Enters the Lady


It has always been a part of my life and my Life has always depended on it in many ways. I remember when i first started Hula. It was in the foster home in Hawai'i on Pearl Harbor. We were used to entertain the Military Ohanas that came there to service the country. More than one way. If you know what I am saying. You see, I, Myself, have been in the Military World since I can remember and it is not always a good laugh but it is a joke. haha.

Ok so Comedy is Not one of my Best Traits but I would Like to think that I try very well yeah.

I am remembering how humbling Hula made me feel thru the years. That spirit. The Spirit of Aloha. As we Polynesians say. My Hula days ended when my Fosters moved me to the mainland. Illinois to be exact. It was Culture Shock to me because everyone was just so plain jane and free. In their own unique way. Even the dancing on the Mainland Opened my eyes to the term "Culture".

I have seen it over time. And now Dance & Culture has taken a huge turn for the worse with the imaging of mainstream media psychology. Is Twerking REALLY The Norm Now? Is there a classier way to Twek... I mean. Twurk! Lol. But no matter what it was always dance. Dance was something I came back to. Over and Over and Over. Then you realize why. And then you find that passion again. Dance has helped me heal. And I Continue to.

I never just busted out dancing like I did in front of Q. And he just sat there smiling. Feeling Safe Was A Battle at first. But now i sit back, Learn, Dance, Be Mindful & Enjoy the Memories to Come.  I realize *singing* "its where we are" As I Find My New Comfort In A New Location, New New Normal, New Habits etc, I Am Praying Dance Be One of Those Habits. 


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