Its the little things Ladies! I fully get it now...

#MotherlyRant As someone who was raised Foster System Military Brat gone Marine May I please ask; Are we further than this yet? Or do we hit a communication breach where I am the "go to" for shit talk and someone else is getting the Intellectual talk that I Crave In Any Kane. Slap on the inconsistent days of not brushing his teeth or washing his akole... Which, by the way Men, also goes in to some of the reasons why it is hard for a Wahine to be intimate. Where is the motivation to do better? In our society, our Kane really have to have higher standards of living for themselves. Going thru life feeling entitled to a Wahine cleaning up after your every beckoned trash bit and hair clip has gotten redundant in this Millennial Veteran eye. I mean, who thought of Wahines solely being the care takers of grown men who can fully function on their own? Oooh the perks of Life to be a Kane and have a Wahine constantly cleaning up and catering to your every need. And I...