I am seriously being tested...

Its like i'm waiting for the time to run out to another Unknown that leaves me filled with much anxiety. The calming I need right now. The security I seek. The positive vibes I have been longing for. You know, i do not mean to be such a bitch about things but everyone has their breaking point. Or with me, losing patience. Losing patience to a timeline. A timeline that keeps my mind ticking. A timeline that ends with... Where will I be? What will I do? Where will I live with my girls?

And because i was raised in the foster system of this god forsaken place, I have that urge and need for a Home and Security. You know, this nation would be a much better place if the greedy were not that greedy. It is just that simple. You have enough money to replenish EVERYONE in America including homeless and you do nothing to make a change? whuuu? The mentality of it all sickens me. I see where it can trickle to the other men in many cultures who take to the "white man" ways. All I have ever hear and still hear are complaints about the "white man" and lack of action to try and change it. Put your voice out There. Be heard. It is all I can do now. 

Setting myself up for the possibility, again, of being homeless with two girls is out of the question. And although I hate that thought, the reality is, is i have to do it. FUCK! I'm weighing my options as a Veteran too. The facts are there. May is here. Time is ticking. Options. I Need Options. I feel like i am in a whirlwind of tunnels too and it sucks. And every time i attempt to tackle one tunnel, i get thrown back out. Then i try the next tunnel in hopes to land on my feet, and get thrown out. The biggest tunnel of all is the mind. And I am clearly understanding that you have barbed wire and bricks flying in this tunnel and in order to break it i will either get broken of end up with cuts all over. The repetitive poking at with smug responses.

I promise the American dream has been such a myth to me. All this time of suffering and lack there of... It should not happen that way but because it does... What will I do about it? I'm confused... Pitch me a line please and then... Action? It is a cycle I have to be mindful of.

So America, when will it end? When will ever ohana be able to just live without your psychological bullshit tainting us? When will black me ever be able to get a fair shot enough so they at least feel good about themselves. And why does it take your white ass job anyway to make ANY man of culture "Feel Good" about themselves? If that is the case. Get the weak ones because the real ones will stick with the bloodline. I Believe That. 



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