I Have A Dream

Aloha All,
       I figured I would come back with another blog. The thoughts that come in and out of my head on the daily need to be put somewhere. So here it goes. It is MLK day. School is out for the kiddos and I'm at home wondering what I dream about.  If I can express with everyone my Dreams, maybe you might just get a jist of what life has thrown at me.  But no matter what Life throws at me I know I still have my Voice. 
       Whether its blogs like this or vlogs or even a post reference to what stage of life I am in. I Am Hurt. I am More sad at times than upset really. About Humanity in general. How we go about the Relationships. Even About Friendships. Who to trust and not to. Learning To stop giving benefits of the doubt to those that have shown vivid destructive patterns. To move forward for Mental sake. We all need to be in a healthy state. Emotionally, Physically, Spiritually, Occupationally, Intimately, Holistically. Maybe if I dream about it  it will manifest yeah? Haha. So Without further a do;

I have a dream that all humans reconnect with their human selves. To realize that emotions are better than acting like robots. To feel and not be scared of it. To regain the spiritual connection needed to be made whole again. 
I have a dream that the word humanity would be shown more than taken for granted. That people will show more acts of kindness. To Give without expecting back. To stop using and abusing each other. Learn to assist without 'back in the face' later. Quit the plotting against for ones demise. Letting jealousy go and Love enter instead.
I have a dream that Americans realize that this system was made for us to fail. Like the Histories that follow all of us, we been dooped. And the white man and his ways are to blame for this. This instilling of hate over years into our own and getting us sick. Then killing us off because they still are in a state of "white domination". I mean really? America is a Very diverse place and we deserve a say. Period. 
I have a dream that one day people find accountability for the hurt they caused others. To take accountability of the path we all have lived. To know the past is pass us. To know Its okay to detox. To be able to say "yeah i did that. and I learned from it too." 
I have a dream that Hawaii will be restored and given back. I'm serious. Its time. There is, in my mind, no way in Heaven that this country has literally stole land that was never theirs. Sound familiar? So lets ask for it back. In many ways than one. Creatively. 
I have a dream that the homeless will be given homes to dwell in. That every man and woman and child has a place to dwell in. Warm clothes on their backs, new tools to get them motivated to tackle life again. Even after this country knocked you down.  Ya'll have enough money to buy everyone a home.
I have a dream that Mental Health will be looked at more as a benefit than a threat. With my path of Mental Health groups to therapy over the years I have learned that Therapy does work. I have a micro dream as well that people at least consider going. 
I have a dream that therapy be given free to all. Health Care be given to all. For Americans to get the best holistic care they can. To decide whether their Healing is worth it. 
I have a Dream that all Veterans have free health care everywhere along with a option to go Holistic. Its time the VA system embrace this.
I have a Dream that all single ohana hales see the assistance they need. To stay informed, educated & be free to make decisions about our own health. 

I have more dreams than this. More deep ones. Ones I cannot remember but I know they are there. Manifesting in a way that involves much patience. It doesnt matter what you dream. It matters that you still do. - Lady


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