Flawed Community Leaders?

Aloah nui!

We are all flawed in one way or another. I have had many years of observing myself & others to know this. But when two perfectly flawed individuals bump heads in the Leadership Community what do you do?

Lets Talk Story...

Within the last year I have gained the Respect of community advocates in the greater LA, Long Beach/Signal Hill & Orange County. This is due to countless hours of connections & persistence and my ambition to get involved in this new community & just About a year ago A Community "Leader" gained my attention by her advocacy for Veterans. From there I had seen her involvement with the Community & Seen that she was an educator. Something I Wish To Be... I found her so intriguing that I had built up the courage to ask her to be my Mentor. A Community Mentor that is. This is a big thing for me. A Marine Veteran ASKING someone else to Mentor them? She happily accepted and A Relationship was Underway.

I was proud to jump, finally, and ask someone to be a Mentor so when she agreed I was excited. Hauoli even. I knew I was on the right path according to a Webinar I Attended. "Gain A Community Mentor" it said... Yeah. My thoughts about said Mentor started to go from "sure" to "unsure" in a matter of a year. Things I have heard her say caught my attention on how wishy washy backstab kine she really was but at that time she was going thru a lot in personal, so I brushed it off.

And I still moved forward with my Mentor. Fast forward to current status... I feel like I'm missing something. The wishy washy nature came back up again...

It was great to had seen said Mentor & her counterpart out at a Community Event Yesterday. The ill vibe i had from her after my Candid "... you need me" comment (referencing the company while conversing) apparently pushed a button. Somehow. Someway. Her smile went away, let go of my hand and walked away. The event went on and I didnt really think about it. Until the end.. I am literally stuck now as she walks right pass me not saying a word as if to pretend to be so occupied that she did not have time for me anymore. I also noticed how her counterpart strayed away from looking at me as I Attentively looked over in hopes to say bye. Then I observe her clingy nature to her counterpart afterwards...I stayed playing music and seeing what the "next moves" were. Will she speak to me before I leave (which would confirm she is okay) never happened. The avoidance was petty. So I Left.

End Story.

And here is the thing... With The "awkward moment" and wonder what i said wrong... My first question is Did I Scare You? Next thought, Is My Veteran too much for you? Or Did I not joke how you want me to? Did. I. Say. Something. Wrong... Let me know Like A Leader Should. And if so, I Will Apologize & Clarify if Need be. So with all the brain power i spent on this post I leave everything here. Not speaking about it anymore and letting the universe take its course. I'm done wondering what is on the minds of others in situations like this. I can see if i was ever malicious to her or anyone in the community but That Is Not Me. I have lived long enough to observe that my Confidence Intimidates, Honest Nature Strays others And My Ambitious Stance on Life that other Wahines see as a Threat. Even to Men. I am usually the bigger person to make contact when I Am Wrong or to, again, "try and figure things out". But not this time. I would prefer to Be the bigger person by Forgiving her. Forgive her for not knowing who I am as a person fully. It is the end of the road of trying to prove who I am to people.

Lessons Learned:
Get to know your surroundings & the people who occupy it.  Do not allow corrupted minds stop you i your track to becoming a better Veteran Woman you. Veterans In Healing Do Not need Additional Outside Mental Drama only because we Live With This Mental Drama Every Day. We have Ohanas like everyone else & maintain as we do.

Live With Peace of Mind. Speak Your Truths. Forgive. Move Forward. We Are Next Generation Leaders. With A Mentor or Not, We Are Veterans of The United States Military. We Already Proved Ourselves. Lets Move Forward. - Lady

Lead From The Front. - Lady Lena 


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