Living As A Veteran In America

What is it like be a Veteran in America...

It is like that neglected child who begs for attention and wonders why
It is having blank stares at you when you get triggered
It is having to fight for our benefits when we were told we would be taken care of
It is like being the black sheep of the community trying to be white again
It is having to take medications that kill without a second thought
It is having to cope with PTSD day in and Day out
It is being a status everyone uses for their own benefit
It is watching suicide numbers among us rise while my blood boils
It is living with anxieties every day wondering, will I be next
It is wondering why our government is selfish
It is constantly going to the hospital for one reason or another
It is being analyzed by a civilian who has a degree not life experience in the MilitaryIt is always having to be analyzed like we are a fucking experiment & Having to be Proud of it...

Well I am not. I am not proud to be an American.



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