First Things First!

Aloha Nui Loa All! And WELCOME to my New Blog Page Lets Talk Life.

You know, its pretty funny that I named it that because My Radio show Talk Life Radio started Originally named Lets Talk Life! And now, 5 years later, 1 relationship Obtained & Sustained, 1 child born, 1 on the way, I HAVE to say that LIFE Has been CRAZY BLESSED! I say that in a pause only because i know of all the things i went thru my start in Cali. From the Opportunist & Backstabbing room-mates, to the Ex-Sister-in-Law that kicked me out and ended up Homeless for a week, to Gainng the Ambition to Get My Own place and to Now...

I finally have gained a Ohana worth Loving, Smiling & Striving for EACH and EVERY day. And the great part... I get to take this journey with them! And they are All Mine! This is just coming from a lil Lena that is loving the life of Giving Love. Especially When Its Someone Who Deserves It All. Yes, I Found him and He has found me. Now, we are building our Radio Empire Together.

In Many Ways Than One. First Things First. Ohana. Then Radio. Then Business. Repeat. This is a Year of Creating New Habits, Loving More Than You Ever Have & Finding Your Passion In Life. Not just as a Woman. A Veteran Woman bred in a Foster World. Its a Blessing I have come this far.

So! Make sure you join me every Thursday 6-8pm Pacific (time of broadcast soon to change). Learn how I managed and cope on a daily basis to keep striving. Striving to Be the Best. Striving to Be Positive to the Rest. Striving to Build A Legacy. To All of You Out There That Served in the Military and to Those who have no clue about those who have served in the Military, Hauoli makahiki Hou!

And Tune In!


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