From A Bad to Good Kakahiaka

Aloha Kakahiaka All this early Friday Morning.

SO as many of you know or will know, I am a Veteran & Survivor of many traumas in my life. I wake up here and there with different moods because of my vivid dreams of insanity. Many times its irritating to come out of such sleep but I'm getting better.

I just had a dream. It was confusing and sad at the same time. There was a empty house at first and myself and my fiance were getting ready to go somewhere important. THEN, everything switched. It was like people, people I didn't even know, all around me. In the Living room, behind the walls, in hiding spots in the house, the hall ways etc. And then another part of the dream added babies. I'm waling thru the hallway with all these people ignoring me as I ask"where is Sirquon? We have to go?". And it was like no one was listening to me or hearing me. It was as if I wasn't even there.

Throughout my dream i got frustrated and then sad because i felt he, Sirquon had abandoned me. I looked for him everywhere and just couldn't find him. Or maybe he just didn't want to be found. Not sure. But I catch myself as im waking out of my dream starting to cry. And as I wake up, I notice it was all a dream.

There are many meanings to dreams and that's why at times after waking, I get analytical. Does it mean this, or does it mean this or maybe this. But I will never know. Not really. Only because it is a dream.  But of course I cant help but analyze anyway. So I went to to read up on some of the main aspects of my dream and I found out that: Buildings and houses symbolizes your brain and how you think. Each individual room means a different part of you, your memories, and your emotions.

If this is true then my brain is really busy! Lately its been that way in my life. I mean, there is my Ohana, Maintaining my relatinoship, having a new baby, new connections, questions & answers all around and then there is this everlasting bitterness about my Foster Childhood Ohana that keeps haunting me. Gotta figure out how to be in peace with all of this though.

So, thru all my morning madness about dream I pray everyone out there is getting a peaceful sleep and waking refreshed. Make sure to take notice of your dreams. It IS your subconscious mind too. Keep learning, Keep growing. And keep realizing, it all a dream.

- Lady


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